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LEADER: (Text is from
Psalm 136)
- [1] Give thanks to the LORD, for he is
ALL: His
love endures forever.
- [2] Give thanks to the God of gods.
ALL: His love
endures forever.
- [3] Give thanks to the Lord of lords:
ALL: (same for each)
- [4] To him who alone does great wonders,
- [5] Who by his understanding made the
- [6] Who spread out the earth upon the
- [7] Who made the great lights--
- [8] Who made the sun to govern the day,
- [9] Who made the moon and stars to govern
the night;
- [10] To him who struck down the firstborn
of Egypt
- [11] And brought Israel out from among
- [12] With a mighty hand and outstretched
- [13] To him who divided the Red Sea asunder
- [14] And brought Israel through the midst
of it,
- [15] But swept Pharaoh and his army into
the Red Sea;
- [16] To him who led his people through
the desert,
- [26] Give thanks to the God of heaven
ALL: His Love endures forever.
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